Thursday, February 28, 2008

Photo Friday - Art

This post inspired by photofriday. After taking that photography class I wanted some inspiration to keep going so that the skills learns actually stuck. So each Friday I'm going to try to post a Photo Friday :) And yes, I know it's Thursday, but I'm out of town all weekend so you get this one a teensy bit early.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Photo Heavy Update

Two weeks have flown by faster than I care to reflect on for too long. I took a photography class in there, so yes, this post is picture heavy. So in a nutshell;
Haircut, new makeup. 10inches of my lovely long hair went to BC Cancer Agency.

Thai cooking class, hmmm no photos... Photography Class

Making curtains for our bedroom.


Finally caught up all my scrapbooking for 2007, 2 Salmon Kings hockey games. Work, Eating Clean still (yay 11lbs gone), Rock Climbing, Running, plus some personal stuff that has taken up A LOT of my time (sry no details, too private). This week doesn't look so quiet either, Blog, Ravelry, finish curtains for bedroom tonight, tomorrow and thursday are rock climbing nights, Wed is swimming with a friend and I hope to take some pictures after work to get the most practice I can after that photography class, and then Friday I'm off to Vancouver to visit my cousin for two days, Sunday is another rock climbing day and I'll have to do all the household stuff that day as I will have been away most of the weekend. Well, at least I can't say I'm bored. Definitely keeping busy.
Looking forward to the ferry ride too and from Van - great knitting time. I hope to finish the SecretPalYarn Scarf, and maybe even GramaRobbins Scarf too... I'll let you know how it goes :)

Monday, February 11, 2008

And the curtains

As promised, one with flash, one without:

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Another wonderful weekend comes to an end

I made some more wonderful things this weekend, well really I started them throughout the week, it's just that weekends tend to be when I finish things up. First Winter Sunrise Hat in Lana Gatto, which is a dream yarn to work with, but kinda pricey... Pay no attention to the pajamas in the picture, no, no attention at all.

Second I made some placemats before going to a sewing lesson (the lesson came free with my new machine and was somewhat helpful). My mom also started a set of placemats. We were going to make them together, but well, I don't get it, she was just really slow and only got two done. I made my full set of 4 and love them. Greg really likes them too.
And last, but certainly not least (especially considering the time and effort) I made curtains for our kitchen. No pics right now since they are in for a final wash before hanging. I'll be sure to post some pics before Valentines Day :)

Monday, February 4, 2008

Sew much to do

So little time... or wait, no, I mean; lots of time and lots of FO's, yay! First the sewing. I found these neat pillowcase kits at a local fabric shop. This took under 30 minutes to make and my husband loves it, which means I have to go get my own now.

And Grocery bags! This seems to be the big 'thing' right now, not using plastic grocery bags, but canvas ones. I think it's a great idea but feel funny about going to Thrifties with Fairways bags, or The Market on Millstream, or, or, or... I shop around and didn't want the brand thing to make me uncomfortable so I decided to make my own. They are denim, and loverly. I can't wait to go shoppping this weekend :)

And finally some knitting and kitty content for you. Pattern: Parallelograms from my Knitting New Scarves book. I love this scarf! I'm going to wear it to work tomorrow (just finished it tonight). I used Patons Classic Merino and have enough left over to make a second scarf easily. This took 3 days from start to finish... really less than 48 hours... hmmm... weird. It was kind of scary how fast this knit up, I kept double checking, then checking again, absolutely positive I must be doing something wrong. Nope, it turned out perfect. You'll notice I am short a human model for this photo shoot, never fear, Sylus will do just fine. Oh, Ah, show me sleepy...

Good, good, now show me 'it's cold outside and this scarf is so snuggly'...

He's a natural :)

Saturday, February 2, 2008

It's Fetching Cold Outside

So I made some mittens, based on the Fetching pattern available from Knitty. I can't begin to explain just how easy these mittens where, the whole pair took me maybe 4 hours. I'm quite satisfied with my new mittens; they do their job quite well :)

Arwen, finally

Pattern: A Cardigan for Arwen
Yarn: Berocco Peruvia colour 7137
Status: DONE! yay!

One with the hood up, just for you Jennifer :)