Monday, June 18, 2007

11 days later

After the shawl incident I frogged it and decided to stick with the same general pattern, but turn it into a scarf. I think it turned out lovely, and I will wear my expensive shawl-turned-scarf proudly come winter.

I was also able to finish off one of the new Spiral Boot Socks from Interweave Knits. I plan on giving these to my step sister for Christmas... a head start will make sure 'IT' never happens to me... right?

Please note that not a single one of my projects is complete without Sylus' stamp of approval. He sits on my lap while I knit and finds this to be the most entertaining way to spend his time. I can hardly blame him with all the sticks waving around for him to bat at, the yarn to sniff, oh and the pictures, what a showoff.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Kristy, the sock is beauuuutiful.