Over the weekend I realized that I'm going on vacation in one week (leaving this coming Saturday, August 4th on the 9AM ferry) and I have a lot to get done with very little time to spare. I managed to give the house a good top to bottom scrubbing so I won't worry about that now until I get home.
I also worked my butt off cleaning the inside of my car. The car goes in for a service on Wednesday so that will prep it for the week long road trip, and as a bonus I know they will spick and span the outside of the car. I was too upset to wash the outside myself... someone backed into my car on the weekend while it was parked downtown. It's barely noticeable, but to me it's huge. I was sad... there was much throwing of bags and jackets into the backseat as I hurled the keys at my husband saying I probably shouldn't drive while this angry.
So. Goals for this week(some knitting, some not):
1. Lose 2lbs
2. Find Yarn Stores along our semi-planned route
3. Finish Monkey socks - I need the needles for the planned road trip knitting
4. Finish Diamond Fantasy Shawl - I'm only 1.5 repeats and an I cord edge away from finishing... I can taste victory and I want it to block while I'm away.
5. Pack... hmmm which also means tackle the ever growing pile of laundry - harumph
6. Pick up August bus pass... sooner rather than later
7. Stock up on easy to cook food for the husband... I'm thinking burgers and frozen lasagnas :)
8. Finish reading last 120 pages of library book due back while I'm away.
Did I mention Tuesday I'm playing tennis after work for 2 hours? Wednesday my car is in for service and I have to go rock climbing after work until about 6:30 that day as well? Oh and what about Softball on Thrusday night, did I mention that?
So what am I knitting while I'm away? Why do I need the Knit Picks 2.5mm's that the Monkey's are currently on? Well, let me tell you... it's a suprise ;-)
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