1. Grama is better, but not great. She was taken home today as far as I know and we are now having to look at assisted living for her. She's not happy about it, but agrees that it's really the only option since she's too stubborn to live with any of the family, but definitely cannot be alone any more. SO happy she's feeling better!
2. Thank you for your input as to the next sweater project. Cardigan for Arwen it is! Just waiting on the yarn now.
3. Mom's sweater is finished, including buttons! wahoo!
4. Started Dad's scarf (Henry pattern from knitty), but we'll see how my patience goes as it's a lot of stitches per row.
5. End paper mits!
How hard are the endpaper mitts? I need them. Can I do it? What things would I need to learn first? Ack!
They were pretty easy, but required a lot of concentration on the pattern. I think you could totally do these - let's give it a shot at our next knit night :)
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