Saturday, December 22, 2007

Great Scarf Craze of 2007

Okay so I just finish that Entrelac Scarf and what do I do? Cast on for two more scarves of course! I really wanted to use some of my birthday yarn and well, the orange stuff was just begging to be made into a cozy scarf. Finished in 3 nights of knitting :)

And I now have some picture worthy progress on the Secret Pal yarn scarf for myself:

I love this one so far. It's actually working up a lot faster than you might imagine; this is only... 2.5 hours of knitting! Once I have finished this... I will try my best to NOT cast on for another scarf... socks, yes I will make socks! In fact I might cast those on now so that I have some mindless knitting available for Christmas. That way I can still pay attention and socialize with family while knitting. Yes, Monkey socks it is!


k said...

oh wow, Kristy, the Victorian Lace scarf is just stunning!! congrats on such a great find for the the yarn. merry christmas to you and yours!!-vera

TrampledbyGeese said...

Love the lace scarf, it is simply beautiful.

The other scarf looks so cozy.