Wednesday, June 20, 2007


I'm finding the spring urge to cast on as many projects as possible... quite satisfying. Right now I have the following in progress:

Second pink spiral boot sock
Self striping socks(both at the same time)
Shetland Triangle Shawl from Wrap Style
Wrap with Sleeves from Rebecca
Another Odessa by Grumperina this time in red

I think I will take the three socks, and the Wrap with Sleeves on my camping trip this weekend. At the very least there will be much progress, and hopefully at least one finished project ;-)

Ideas wandering around my head right now... Sensational Knitted Socks - Knit Along, how many people would be interested in joining me?... Mariah, am I ready to take this one on? Updates after I return for what looks to be a damp weekend in the outdoors, knitting.

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