Monday, November 12, 2007

I heart long weekends

Until now I've been feeling very behind on Christmas. After a very productive long weekend I am now feeling quite satisfied that I will be ready on time. Last week me and Greg decided we would only do stockings this year and instead little gifts for each other, we would go on a vacation. So for January 6-11th we will be up at Mt Washington skiing our hearts out. I am so excited! And that solves a lot of my Christmas shopping fears. That being decided I thought it was time to tackle the rest of the Christmas list. I made Salsa and Antipasto for a lot of our gifts (please note the antipasto recipe from Best of Bridge, makes A LOT of antipasto... A LOT!) . This will go to friends and some family. We taste tested some last night to be sure it was 'gift-able' and it SO is! Yummy!

I also finished of Greg's socks which will be part of his stocking stuffers. And wrote up all of our Christmas cards. I will be stuffing them into envelopes tonight! Mad. Progress.

I finished one sleeve of my Mom's Christmas cardigan, attached it, and did the neckline. I've also started the second sleeve and expect the whole kit and caboodle to be done by the end of the week. Assuming I can find buttons... Anna?

I also got my Grandparents and my niece finished and ready to be wrapped. Phew, I'm glad that's almost done. The only thing I haven't had luck with is my outfit for the two company Christmas parties... my waistline isn't agreeing with me. I don't believe I can be the only person out their experiencing a bit of a tummy that is shopping for a dress or something fancy... but the stores proved me wrong. Apparently I'm the only chubby girl looking to go out this season hahhahaaha oy, the search continues :) Please don't get me wrong, I'm not unhappy about being a bit 'thicker' this year, I know I'm healthy, I'm just perplexed at the lack of options for my size (is size 9 really considered chubby anyways?) .

Fall is definitely coming to a close and winter is just around the corner. You can see the leaves are almost all gone. There is quite a strong windstorm over Vancouver Island today... Dena is observing the construction progress across the street. She makes such a good supervisor :)

So all said and done, it was a great weekend. It was relaxing and productive, which to me is the best kind of weekend you can have :) Now I'm off to knit some more on the Cardigan and stuff some envelopes... unless I cast on for some endpaper mits... hmmm..

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